Tuesday 15 May 2012

Chella rocking!

Hi guys,

It is quite a long time I wrote my last post. Sorry for the delay. This week I have come with a big update to cheer you all.

Chella software is in final stages of getting its co-developer application approved. The last meeting (13th March 2012) directed that the BoA shall give approval if they were found operating in the SEZ. The DC MEPZ have sent a letter (on 20th March 2012. Whatta speed of operation mama!!) to the BoA recommending the proposal of Chella guys. Below is the screen shot.

Source file of the above screenshot.

^^ Expecting a good outcome on May 22nd, 2012 BoA meeting that will kickstart the functioning of the SEZ I in Madurai and a good exports on stats next year. Special thanks to the Chella software group that has this much of passion toward Madurai.